Thursday, June 10, 2010

Red Hat Linux Lecture 4 (RH-253)


NFS stands for network file system which is used for sharing the data between UNIX or LINUX machines.

PORT NO. : - 2049 // controlled by rpc.

SERVICES AND DAEMONS : - 1. nfs 2. portmap

PACKAGES : - 1. nfs 2. nfsd 3. nfsdoc

CONFIGURATION FILE : - /etc/exports

Configuration Steps SERVER SIDE : -

1. Create data or use previous data for sharing. Ex. #mkdir /data(folder to share.)

2. open the configuration file.
#vim /etc/exports

3. Make the entry as follows in this file : -
For single system sharing :-

For sharing with in a network : -


For sharing globally :-

/data *(rw,sync)

and save and Quit (Esc :wq)

4. Run the Following Commands : -

#service portmap restart
#service nfs restart
#chkconfig portmap on
#chkconfig nfs on

5. For viewing the content on network sharing run the command : -

#showmount -e

Client Side configuration :-

1. Mount the server on which data is residing :-
#mount / /mnt

2. now use the file access them from server.

############################################################### Whow!!!!!!!!!! that's it buddy !!!
Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)
Breach of Trust

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