Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Red Hat linux Lecture 2 (RH-253)

Telnet Configuration

Telnet stand for telecommunication network used to access a remote machine in command line interface (CLI) mode. It is a universal protocol that do not provides encryption during transferring of data that's why unsecured.

Port No. - 22
Package it required : - telnet-server & xinetd
services and daemons :- xinetd
configuration file : - /etc/xinetd.d/telnet

#yum install telnet-server
#yum install xinetd
in this file go to line disable = yes and convert yes to no

run the following command : -
# service xinetd restart

for accessing particular machine run command : -

example : - telnet

now login by giving user name and password. and transfer files by using put & get commands.

for Exiting use bye command.

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